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-XHTML Compliant.
-So simple even a monkey could use it.
-A user's data is all contained in one folder. Easy to backup, zip and send, or burn to cd.
-User definable data fields.
-Does NOT require a MySQL or other dedicated database application
-Looks decent.

Why does this exist? Why do I want to use it?

Some background:

I know it probably seems silly to start Yet Another Tiny PHP Project when there are hundreds of thousands out there. But none of them do what I think is necessary. (At least, not the ones I've read about.)

Like I imagine you are also, I'm tired of storing simple data in a huge proprietary product or confusing fileformat. Whenever I was at home, I'd always find myself using VNC to login to my computer at home to find an old email or phone number. It works but it is a rather bogus method of storing and retrieving a few bytes of important information.

Yes, sure, I used webmail and web portals. But once you have your contacts and mail nicely in the web portal, they lock it in a vault never to be seen again, unless you wade through countless advertisements. Thats if the webbased company is still alive, hanging onto some idea that banners are going to make them rich. If the company were to go broke or a disgruntled employee were to kick over a server rack or 5, your data is toast. No real backup method was available at any of the websites I've used.

Naturally you start heading over to open source, PHP based systems. I had a look at the big projects that everybody thinks is better than sliced bread, such as PHPNuke But all the implementations I've seen look a euphemism for a news script with banners on one side, and rather useless links on the other. Oh, and sometimes they have a survey. (wow, a survey! I just love those phone surveys, I'm just itching to do an electronic one!)

So then I started out with a table of contacts and another for attributes for those contacts. All was good. Then I wanted an events calendar. And files. And so on. So basically, as it ended up, you can define any item you like an attach any data you want to it. A fixed field data table would probably be faster, but less fun. I dont claim to be an expert, but this sort of setup does what I would like it to.

So, go try it out now! And tell me whatever suggestions you may have.

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